Businesses succeed through Execution

Execute and iterate on your core value-add in minimal time without the pain of hiring and managing an entire technology team.

Do you use established software for accounting, payments, marketing, or content management?

(Why should how you manage your technology stack be any different?)

Min Team. Automated Product. Max Profits.

  1. You solve your customers' needs and you want to automate the manual process using technology. (or add machine learning.)
  2. You meet with us to describe your manual workflow/data. We address any concerns and questions that you may have. (Our top priority is keeping your IP secure and making sure that you feel safe.)
  3. We create an AWS architecture diagram (+code), review everything with you, and help you deploy with a few simple clicks.
  4. You have an automated, secure, scalable cloud solution and now you can focus on other value-adds that will grow your business.
  5. Since your entire cloud solution is in code, your system can easily be morphed as you iterate and innovate. (By us or any AWS architect/developers that you choose.)

Upload your Logic.
Datumbased does the rest.

Load Data

Business Logic +
Machine Learning


"Upload" your data. Big or small we can process it. We provide authorization credentials so you can send or receive data in any cadence.

We apply your business logic to clean, format, and aggregate your various data. (Or try our proprietary machine learning algorithms, if you wish.)

"Download" your data outputs or predictions. Use any tools you choose to view & analyze data.

Example Workflows

I have historic sales & marketing data. I'm trying to determine which ad to show to which potential customer to maximize profits.

Datumbased recommendation engine returns what ad to show to whom.

I have a bunch of sensors providing data hourly. I’ve developed logic that customers want but I don’t know how to go from concept to a secure, scalable product.

Datumbased will provide a secure, scalable product solution for IoT.

I can never find anything in my organization’s shared files. How can I make this information actionable without manually restructuring and organizing the documents?

Datumbased will provide a secure, scalable knowledge sharing
solution that allows for fast search and quick retrieval.

You focus on the
business value.

With your guidance, we provide the automation, reliabiity, security, and scalability in a form that is easy for you to use.

(Cloud Solution as Code)

Maintain IP & Ownership

You maintain ownership over your supplied IP and business logic.


No need to manage security compliance. We keep your IP secure.


Get to production faster. Weeks instead of months or years.


Scale your system to any size. From small data to big data.

No Maintenance

No need to maintenance. Minimal support for established pipelines.

Cloud Solution

Allow us to monitor and manage your solution. (Optional)

Start the technology journey to faster execution and innovation.